How can small business finance when starting and no guarantees?
That's the question we have tried to answer today as representatives of entities MicroBank La Caixa, Bal Partners, BlackBox MurciaBan or Innova.
Financing alternatives for the innovative entrepreneur is the name of the technical conference that was held this morning at the headquarters of CEEIC, in the Industrial Cabezo Beaza and have organized and CEEIC ADLE.
About 70 people participated in the conference which opened the Director of the Agency of Local Development and Employment (ALDE), Francisco Garcia-Valenzuela and Deputy Director of INFO, Antonio Martínez Martínez
This activity is part of the series of seminars and workshops Aula Company, which put the Adle-up in 2009 and for which 1,300 students have passed.
The objective of this initiative is to provide alternative financial instruments available in the market available to SMEs and entrepreneurs, to finance various traditional and classical as well as the characteristics of each of them and the type of beneficiaries order to provide the necessary information to improve the general conditions of funding.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena