Ecoembalajes Spain, SA (Ecoembes) is the nonprofit organization that manages the recovery and recycling of plastic bottles, cans and cartons (yellow container) and cartons and paper (blue container) in Spain .
Its management model is built on innovation, sustainability and the pursuit of economic and environmental efficiency.
This has enabled it to increase year after year container recycling results in Spain and become one of the top European countries in this field.
In our town, try Ecoembes sensitize neighboring districts and councils on the importance of recycling.
It has therefore prepared a series of lectures in collaboration with the City Council and the Federation of Neighborhood Associations of Cartagena.
The workshops, which will be held during October, November and December, are intended to improve the recycling of lightweight packaging paper and cardboard.
The campaign will cover 28 social local municipality, which will host information sessions with neighbors, explaining why waste must be deposited in each of the contenders.
The workshops will be based on the lecture-workshop format. They address topics such as the concept of recycling, separate collection, the social and environmental benefits of recycling, the waste to be deposited in each container, the importance of green dots and the second path of light containers, among others.
Participation is open to citizens and neighbors as they wish, with no more requirement to go to the place, time and date indicated in the calendar .
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena