The incorporation of e-government is allowing the City of Cartagena handle all the traffic fines, which until recently were paralyzed or prescribed by the difficulties in its notification.
This past March the session was one of the ten municipalities of Spain that adhered to the Sanctions Board Electronic Traffic (Testra) of the Directorate General of Traffic (DGT).
Since then he has published over 5,000 this board sanctions.
Their existence and legal effectiveness, it is still unknown to many, as recognized by the Councillor for Public Safety, Mariano García, as only 15 percent of those convicted has learned effectively through Testra and has been eligible to claim or discounts of 50 percent, voluntary period.
To try to resolve this situation Cartagena City Council will begin to include in the notification forms of information Testra fines and way of consultation through the website of the DGT, the council has announced.
Also the website of the City of Cartagena will host in its most visited sections and information links on this web board, so go spreading its usefulness.
So far, one of the regular users Testra usually insurance companies themselves, who consult regularly and tell their customers when publishing any sanctions affecting them.
A publication "N MANDATORY
Law 18/2009 of 25 May 2010 was the creator of Testra order to expedite the process of notification of traffic fines, when notice by certified mail or impossible to change the address of the offender ignorance or negative of this or other person to sign the acknowledgment.
The Act also required municipalities to join this board within two years, to publish freely their traffic fines.
Cartagena was incorporated in that period and the benefits have been palpable, as until then the cost involved the publication of minor penalties in the BORM, was important.
The situation has changed, but there are still many people who are unaware of the existence and scope of publications Testra.
The sanctions are published in the Testra which have not been initially notified by mail addresses; circumstance which delayed processing and undermined the possibility of recourse by citizens or subscription, set to benefit from discounts prompt payment
Today there are few traffic fines that expire or lapse for lack of notice and citizens who fail to learn that you have a fine, can not benefit from a discount of 50 percent in that period pay is voluntary; and when they learn, and they come in a summary proceeding further with a surcharge of 10 or 20 percent.
Easy reference
The query is very simple Testra.
He can be accessed through the website of the DGT without digital certificate or electronic DNI, simply type in the ID or the last names, so that the system shows if the person concerned has issued edicts and all information relating to same as the administration of the proceeding, the offense, or the timing of the defense.
For the council it is a beneficial procedure twice, first for the city, as it streamlines the process and allows you to learn, very quickly, the sanctions have been imposed, not only in Cartagena but in the rest of Spain and, secondly, for the council, which will save the publication in the Official Gazette of the Region of Murcia (BORM), with the cost entailed for municipal coffers and taxpayers.
In the Autonomous Community of Murcia, five municipalities in the Testra present, the city of Cartagena, Murcia, Totana, Alhama de Murcia and Torre Pacheco.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena