The BOE on 14 July 2012 approved a measure that can be lethal to many small and medium businesses that are struggling to pay for important social contributions of their Clutches.
Many of these companies and freelancers struggling to keep jobs month after month, and sometimes do not in statutory deadline but are forced to do so with some time lag, paying the surcharge.
So far the General Law of Social Security stated in Article 27, point 1.1 the following:
After the statutory period set for payment of contributions to Social Security income without them and without prejudice to the special planned for the postponement, shall accrue the following charges:
When the parties responsible for payment submission of contribution documents within the deadline:
a) surcharge of three percent of the debt, if abonasen fees due within the first month following the expiration of the statutory period.
b) five percent surcharge debt if abonasen fees due within the second month following the expiration of the statutory period.
c) Surcharge of 10 per 100 of the debt, if abonasen fees due in the third month following the expiration of the statutory period.
d) Surcharge of 20 per 100 of the debt, if abonasen fees due from the third month following the expiration of the statutory deadline
From this month establishing a single charge 20% of the debt, when the outstanding contributions are paid late, regardless of whether the delay is one day or 3 months.
With this measure announced by the PP government away from punishing irresponsible employers, they will hurt many self-employed and small business owners who strive to maintain employment in their companies, and that the crisis we suffer today, in many times and because of the lack of liquidity, are forced to pay social security contributions from their payrolls outside the statutory period.
From SPCT urge MEP Pilar Barreiro which requires the removal of higher fees is adopted by the PP government, at least until they pass the severe economic crisis in Cartagena, Spain.
Source: Socialistas por Cartagena