The largest of Los Molinos Marfagones celebrate cultural week. Through Sunday June 17 retirees enjoy various leisure activities.
The activities, planned by the Senior Club Life, Marfagones Mills and the Municipal Social Services, including theater performances, parades and a meeting of bolilleras, among others.
The schedule is as follows:
Tuesday 12 June. At 17 hours, championship games, at 18 am, parade of costumes made ​​from the dressmaking workshop in honor of Cervantes Isabelita.
Wednesday June 13. At 1830, meeting and exhibition of works bolilleras.
Thursday June 14.
At 17.30, final championship games.
At 19.30 hours, championship bowls.
Friday June 15. At 19 hours, representing the woman works and the cool fire.
Saturday 16. Great dancing, at 21.30 hours and chocolate and cake for everyone.
Sunday 17 June. At 1830 hours performance by the Coral St. Vincent de Paul.
At 1930 awards ceremony.
At 20 hours, closure of the Cultural Week.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena