Portal de Cartagena


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detail of Cartagena


The City Council will improve the training of officers with 84 courses (11/05/2012)

The Local Government Committee met this morning under the chairmanship of the Mayor, Pilar Barreiro, and has approved a proposal by the Councillor for Finance, Personnel and General Scheme, Fatima Suanzes, the Training Plan for Municipal Workers year 2012.

This plan includes the completion of 84 courses, for local government employees.

The development of this plan is part of the existing Agreement on Working Conditions and the Collective Agreement for the workforce.

Its objectives are to acquire knowledge and skills to facilitate opportunities for promotion of municipal employees and achieve a modern, flexible and effective, as noted by Councilmember Suanzes Fatima.

It has tried to reconcile the demands of both workers and the needs they are considered essential service chiefs, as well as the proposals of the trade unions and strategic priorities that the municipal organization has been assessed taking into account the functions and duties assigned to jobs.

The Training Plan 2012 is divided into the following blocks:

Quality and Customer-PresupuestarioHabilidades CiudadanoEconómico GenéricasInformática and New TecnologíasJurídico-ProcedimentalOficios and MantenimientoPrevención and LaboralesRecursos HumanosUrbanismo and Development Risks for certain ColectivosCompetencias SostenibleEspecíficos SocioculturalesIdiomasDesarrollo EmpleoSeguridad Local Citizen


The Governing Board also approved the proposal of Councillor Decentralization, Citizen Participation, Agriculture, Health, New Technologies and Consumer Affairs, Nicolás Bernal à ngel to the call for grants to neighborhood associations for the competitive tendering procedure.

The total amount of the aid reaches 80,000 euros.

To them may choose the 40 or neighborhood associations outside the territorial scope of the Neighborhood, which subsidize their own.

The public call will be held in the coming days and the deadline will be open for 30 days.

The associations shall submit a report and program of activities to subsidize.

For the award of grants will be assessed the number of activities, membership, territorial scope and the costs assumed in the maintenance of the premises.

Also continuing the process of regularization of the bars in local social, the Board has authorized the local cantinas Source of Cubas, New Cartagena and quarries.


Last, among other matters, the Board of Governors approved cooperation agreements between the city of Cartagena and about thirty sports clubs sharing and transfer of management of different municipal sports complex.

As pointed out by the Councillor for Sports, José Cabezos, this will regularize the precarious situation that had sports clubs in municipal facilities, where they operate without any written agreement.

These agreements establish a set of rights and obligations of the clubs, with the idea of building a self-management facility without municipal subsidies.

The City will maintain at all times the ownership and control over the facility and sign a liability insurance to cover the users.

According Cabezos all sports clubs, mainly football and other sports based, have agreed to the initiative.

Most of the clauses of the agreements are consistent with addendums specific to each case.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena

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