The City Council has signed the Cartagena Edictal Board of DGT, which streamlines the process of notification of breaches of the Local Police, benefiting both the citizens and the administration
Only enter your ID, and citizens can know what you owe in traffic fines, and this is thanks to the city of Cartagena has begun to publish reports of its kind in the Sanctions Board Edictal Traffic (TESTRA) , which is accessed through the website of the Directorate General of Traffic.
This initiative, which aims to improve the notification system for citizens, it is doubly beneficial, first for the city, as streamlines the process and let you know, very quickly, the sanctions have been imposed, both voluntary phase as in executive and on the other hand, for the council, which from now will save the publication in the Official Gazette of the Region of Murcia (BORM), with the costs entailed for the municipal coffers and taxpayers.
The penalties are published in the TESTRA which have not been reported in the homes by post.
The TESTRA is a web board that you can access any digital certificate without ID or address, simply type the DNI, NIE or CIF.
Similarly, if the applicant demonstrates has published edicts and all information relating thereto, as the administration of which involved the violation, or the time for defense.
In the Autonomous Community of Murcia, three councils that are already in the TESTRA, the City of Cartagena, Murcia and Totana.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena