The ESPAC, in coordination with the Emergency Department and the Ministry of Health, has conducted several courses for those who will serve on the beaches in summer and in the major events held in the city
School of Public Safety of the City of Cartagena has made ​​over the months of January and February a series of courses for the group of Civil Defence volunteers, in order to prepare them ahead of the delivery of services on beaches this summer, and as in times of high concentrations in Cartagena on the occasion of the celebrations of Easter and Carthaginians and Romans.
Along these lines, there have been two editions of the Basic Course for Civil Protection, 78 volunteers assisted with a duration of 4 hours in each edition, and two editions of the Basic Course for Civil Protection Communications, by an equal number of volunteers and with the same duration as above.
These courses are coordinated with the Department of Emergency Region of Murcia, with the main objective is to train volunteers on basic subjects for the development of its functions.
In addition, a total of 48 volunteers participated in a First Aid course, CPR and Basic Life Support, with a duration of 40 hours and 20 distance, and, finally, also have been two editions of First Aid Course DESA, with the participation of 24 volunteers and a duration of 12 hours each.
These last two training activities have been conducted in coordination with the Ministry of Health of the Region of Murcia, and are designed to train volunteers on specific issues, such as first aid techniques and basic life support to injured and as the use of basic means in cases of cardiac arrest and use of automated external defibrillator.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena