After finishing the practice of city maintenance shop in the Civic Center Algar, students Employment Healthy program will move to El Algar, where he will practice the specialty of painting in lighting.
Healthy Employment Program, managed by the Agency of Local Development and Employment of the City of Cartagena, has been conducting maintenance training practices in different municipal facilities: the Graduate Building, Municipal Pool Well Strait, Cartagonova Municipal Stadium, Auditorium Park Towers and Civic Center El Algar, now continues in the area of ​​Alum.
According to Councilman Employment demonstrations, Diego Ortega, Healthy Employment program, funded by the Health Service of Murcia, the Agency of Local Development and Employment, in collaboration with the Association of Psychosocial Rehabilitation Murcian seeks to improve the chances of social integration people with mental illness and substance abuse associated with mental disease, by performing pre-employment workshops and various activities that encourage autonomy, independence and social integration of this group.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena