In an imaginary ship with two archaeologists or arqueonautas, as have been called and a smart aleck.
This is how they have landed this morning a dozen families in the Archaeological Museum Enrique Escudero de Castro.
The theater company La Murga has represented The Arqueonautas, a work for teaching through play and fun to children the treasures of the museum and the history of the city.
A new feature this year has been a change in the theater.
Traditionally, the actors of La Murga embodied historical figures, but this year has decided to represent two archaeologists who come by boat to the museum as clowns and fun way to teach that houses the remains of the building.
The aim of the tour, culminating with a storytelling about the history of Cartagena and a magic show in the temporary exhibition Asdrubalis Arx, is to impress upon the smaller the importance of archeology has to know the history of the city and raise awareness about the usefulness of the Archaeological Museum.
Dramatised visits will continue tomorrow, December 29 and on 3 and 4 January from 12 noon.
The museum also responsible for other activities such as a Christmas concert attended by 180 people.
Furthermore, in January will continue with the activities scheduled for schools for the first quarter of 2012.
Location: Municipal Archaeological Museum
Dates: 28 and 29 December and 3 January 4.
Time: 12:00
Free admission seating.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena