There are still two days to the end of the solidarity campaign to collect toys for The Illusion Mountains, no child without toys, join, and have already collected over 500 gifts in the administrative building of City Hall.
Volunteers will collect presents for underprivileged children until 28 December to 14 hours.
For now, the boys that help with this initiative in the administration building on Calle San Miguel say they have received more toys for children from 0 to 2 years and 3 to 5.
Is expected to exceed two days in the 1,110 toys, ie the number of requests it has received the City Council, as the volunteers themselves apart from sorting and classifying the gifts, take a thorough inventory of what they receive daily.
Also this morning, the heads of Carrefour, the Regional Assembly, the Hospital Santa Lucia, the Brotherhood makos Senior Clubs, women's and Security Council Members and Women, Clara Garcia and Heredia, respectivamentese have gone through the building administrative leave toys and see how he would pitch the campaign.
Hospital medical director of St. Lucia, Carmen Santiago, explained that they have placed four toy collection in the various departments of the hospital (one in the Rosell, another store in the old management of primary care and two in the Santa Lucia) to encourage physicians to participate. We brought lots of toys because we want to contribute our bit to those places where the City has to deliver gifts.
On the other hand, there are institutions that have participated for the first time this season that the City Council organizes every Christmas.
This is the case of the Brotherhood porbeagle.
We are more accustomed to campaigns to collect food.
On this pretext, the first Commissioner of porbeagle, José Lázaro Arias has indicated that it has managed to collect a lot of toys, but this is a matter of starting and in the years ahead we would like to stay involved and certainly get more gifts and more gifts .
The toy collection time is 10 to 14 and from 17 to 20 hours.
On 2 and January 3 different associations oenegés and social action of the municipality of San Miguel will collect the presents for distribution to needy children by Reyes.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena