The 22 students of professional English courses for customer service in retail and hospitality, which has provided the Agency of Local Development and Employment of the City of Cartagena, will on Monday, December 5, diplomas proving their training, in an act that will take place at ten o'clock in the ceremonial hall of the Palace Hall.
The diplomas will be delivered by Councillor Employment, Diego Ortega, and Francisco García-Valenzuela, director of the ALDE.
Both courses have been aimed at both unemployed people as active workers, with a workload of 20 hours.
The 22 participants have received training in English for customer service in retail and hospitality, delving into issues such as communication with the client in person, by phone, email and the ability to adapt business signage.
With this training, the Agency for Local Development and Employment has sought to improve the skill levels and opportunities for employment for the students involved.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena