THE ADLE, through the Program Guidance for Employment (OPEA), in collaboration with the Department of Employment and Training, has assisted in the past five months about 1,200 unemployed Cartagena in the search for opportunity in the labor market.
OPEA program began in July and will end on March 31, 2012.
Their goal, as expressed Councilman of the City of Cartagena Employment, Diego Ortega, is to provide the unemployed a degree of autonomy that allows to achieve successful integration into the workplace.
Specifically, the program performs both OPEA individual and group activities provided by professional counselors.
In the individual utorías t, counselors focus on enhancing the personal aspects of the plaintiff, depending on the training, experience, availability and professional goal each.
Group activities are focused on a workshop interviews, information and motivation for self-employment, are also active counseling sessions on business plans for entrepreneurs.
The beneficiaries of this program are registered in the office demanding job of Cartagena, which calls them individual and personal interview to explain what the program.
The objectives are:
- Report on the labor market, define career goals, identify resources, teach or train labor job search techniques, provide direction to the professional interests
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena