The Municipal Institute of Social Services has arranged for Friday November 4th walking a new route for the elderly, the Media League - Sierra Gorda with a total of 15 kilometers of medium-high difficulty, an activity that is included within the municipal program TAS, Active and Healthy Travel for Seniors, to name Fridays in March.
Fifty more will depart at 9:30 am from the Esplanade Mall Peak to participate in this route, with a planned duration of four hours.
The largest program of the City of Cartagena, aims to promote participation of older people offering activities that occupy their free time creatively and orderly, so they can develop their personal skills, foster social and cultural exchange, to prevent situations of isolation and loneliness, improve their quality of life by creating opportunities for participation and socio-cultural activities appropriate to their demands and needs, and promoting an active, physical, mental and social development of older people.
In this quarter, have been made within the road project Cartagena TAS - Tentegorra, route No 30 and therapeutic outlet to the city of Fortuna, with planned end of the year 32 routes, which includes the stretch of Torreciega - The weaving - Mandarache, and Route 33, corresponding to the Pearl District Greenway, set the last two for 25 November and 16 December.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena