As is customary at the beginning of the school, Councillor of Education of the City of Cartagena, Josefa Maroto, visit public schools in the municipality, accompanied by municipal technicians of Education, Maria Luisa Blanco and Manuel Diaz.
Tomorrow, Tuesday, October 11, Councilwoman visit seven sites to visit their facilities and see how the center of face at the beginning of the course.
In particular visit the schools: CEIP 'San Antonio Abad' (Group new and old groups), CEIP 'Beethoven', CEIP 'Gabriela Mistral', CEIP 'José M ª de Lapuerta', CEIP 'Fernando Garrido, "CEIP" The Asomada' and CEIP 'Virgen del Carmen'.
On Thursday October 6, Councillor and visited public schools and Primary Education: CEIP "Concepción Arenal", CEIP 'Hannibal', CEIP 'Asdrubal', CEIP 'San Ginés de la Jara' (Section Strait of San Ginés Llano del Beal and Section) and CEIP 'San Isidoro' in El Algar.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena