The Department of Public Safety has announced that starting next Monday, October 10, will conduct a campaign to control new crosswalks, pedestrian called Insurance.
This campaign is contemplated within the Municipal Road Safety Plan and will be developed in two phases.
The first will be the policing of those without signalized pedestrian crossings, so that drivers respect the preference of pedestrians wishing to cross the road.
The second will consist of a road to greater vigilance comrobar the signing and marking of pedestrian crossings is in perfect condition and that pedestrians crossing the road on the right places.
The controls will be located in those steps which exhibit greater vehicular traffic and pedestrians and in those where there is a higher accident rate.
The campaign will last from Monday to Friday and is expected to repeat for a week, every month.
Pinpointed in the local police sources, this campaign has been carried out successfully in the past and recent violations of record have advised pedestrians reactivation.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena