Past elections consume teasing neighbors Mediterranean Urbanization and New Cartagena.
Days before the municipal elections were promised the neighbors that within days it would take up the refurbishment of the Rambla and subsequent landscaping, now once the electoral test for true success in the neighborhood, where I say, diego say.
From SPCT think that this way of acting, very common in the PP government team of Cartagena, is an unmitigated fraud the residents of New Cartagena who voted in previous elections, thinking that would end the work promised.
Under these circumstances, from SPCT, we demand that the PP government team, alone or together with the CARM fulfill his word, and suggests that if the excuse not to undertake the work, is the economic crisis, at least the Mayor Cartagena, go to the neighborhood and face in the first person to explain to the neighbors 2 months ago and now there was no crisis if the elections are over.
Source: Socialistas por Cartagena