Nine of the twelve students who completed the Basic English course for the Agency of Local Development and Employment (ALDE), are already taking a course in Dublin Linguistic preparation and practicing what they learned during the training.
The beneficiaries of the "Go 2 Dublin" are expanding their training taking classes at the School and living Español for two weeks with host families with whom they communicate in English.
The girls have shown their satisfaction with their treatment and, ultimately, the organization of this second phase of the course offered by the Agency of Local Development and Employment.
The ALDE has subsidized housing of students during the two weeks in families with half board, the Linguistic and course materials.
The English course "Go 2 Dublin" began in March and has involved a total of 12 students following a mixed mode of training, a total distance of 120 hours and 8 hours of lessons with native teachers face.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena