Students Occupational Trainer Course, organized by the Municipal Social Services, already have their diplomas after the close on 26 May.
The Director of the Municipal Institute of Social Services City of Cartagena, Antonio Mula Cruz, presented the diplomas to twenty students who have completed the course during a ceremony in the building of the Miraculous.
Trainer Course Occupational began on 10 January and concluded in May after 380 hours teaching. Students who complete this training activity are recorded in the employment office as unemployed and students access requirement is to have technical qualifications, Diploma , or Bachelor Degree.
The course is free for students.
Among the subjects studied are: the training plan, scheduling the teaching-learning interaction teaching, autonomous learning strategies, monitoring training, design evaluation tests of learning, evaluation of the training and Innovation update teachers from other subjects.
With these courses, which are subsidized by the Regional Employment Service and Training of the Autonomous Community of Murcia and funded by the European Social Fund, the City of Cartagena and the Autonomous want to answer the great demand in the service sector in the Region of Murcia.
Thus, given the necessary training to the unemployed of working age and job seekers to get access to working life.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena