With the arrival of good weather, T-LA Program (Alternative Leisure) of the Youth Council has organized a series of activities towards the weekend, related to nature, the sea and the mountains.
So, on Thursday, May 26 will perform a baptism of diving on the beach of Cala Cortina Hesperides by diving, with a fee of 30 euros.
Furthermore, in collaboration with the group Via Libre will take place throughout the weekend Nerpio VIII Ruta BTT-Cartagena and Sunday morning, the canoe trip through the Mediterranean Sea (6 euros) and hiking the mountains Bernia (Alicante), in collaboration with the Cartagena Hiking Centre (12 euros).
Information and registration for these activities in the Youth Resource Center, Paseo Alfonso XIII, No. 53.
Phone 968-128867. recursosjuveniles@ayto-cartagena.es
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena