13.mayo.2011 .- The Student Council and the delegations of the insides of the Polytechnic University of Cartagena, in coordination with the Vice President for Student and University Extension, have sent more than 800 liters of milk and more than 650 liters of water Lorca, as an aid to the victims.
The shipment of these foods is planned for early this afternoon through Cartagena Civil Protection.
Also, from the Vice-Rector of Students and University Extension is activating volunteers bag the Student Council to offer help in the campaign "Cartagena Lorca" being prepared by the Department of Youth, as well as various institutions and NGOs that are working together on the techniques of damage assessment, using the training they have received different training activities UPCT raised by the intervention of volunteer engineers and architects in disaster.
In addition to this measure, the Party Commission Campus Alfonso XIII, in agreement with the Vice Chancellor for Students and directors and deans of schools affected, decided to suspend the festive activities scheduled for Thursday in the House Thomas Ferro de La Palma and Friday on the terrace of Club Santiago.
Several dozen students on Thursday kept a minute of silence for the earthquake victims in a concentration convened by the Student Council which took place in the Student House.
Source: UPCT