In the morning, a delegation of IU-Greens Cartagena has met with Juan Pedro Martinez, CEO of CC.OO district in Cartagena.
At the meeting, which are rated the registered unemployment figures, IU-Greens have proposed the realization of a plan crash in the city for the creation of 12,000 jobs over the next four years.
The plan, which has been evaluated positively by CCOO, details of funding sources to address a plan for relocation of unemployed without entitlement to benefit or assistance, consisting of a five-hour workday and two training through workshop schools and houses of office-related activities linked to the recovery and enhancement of historical and artistic heritage, education for children from 0 to 3 years, environmental regeneration and community work.
In addition, details of job creation in new areas related to the implementation of the Law Unit, local jobs and training for self-entrepreneurship.
Both organizations have considered essential to the urgent establishment of the Bureau of Local Employment, the creation of Economic and Social Council of Cartagena and the drafting of a Strategic investors make commitments of the various administrations and the private sector, encouraging greater diversification the local economy and a strengthening of the unique possibilities of Cartagena.
Source: IURM