UPyD create a need for greater public places for our ongoing agreements with Defence for the Naval Hospital, once you stop working, cover the needs of our area.
The supply of places is very low and Geriatrics whole range in Cartagena is private.
We apologize for statements by the director of the Office Unit in the region, highlighting the efforts of the City of Cartagena, it has become clear that elections only when they are activated ideas, brain-having presented during the four years of the term, and proposals of other political groups that are going to tow ours.
Several years the only public housing has been closed and because it works much more interested in municipal government People's Party boosting private residences, which is where the business.
The transfer of the Naval Hospital by the Defence of the Autonomous Community has a precedent in the Community of Madrid, in which the Hospital Militar Gómez Ulla has been given to that community.
From UPyD want to convey that the health and welfare of citizens, especially our elders, should not be a bargaining chip for the benefit of a few.
The tender offer must also be present in large number of places for those / so do not have enough purchasing power to demand the enforcement of the Law Unit, providing it with sufficient funding.
Source: UPyD Cartagena