The Councillor for Education of the City of Cartagena, Joseph Marotta, opened the commemoration of World of Asperger Syndrome to be held on Friday 18 February at 18.00 hours in the Graduate Hall School of Engineering Telecommunications (Antigones Building) Campus Universitario Muralla del Mar in Cartagena.
Following the presentation of the event will be two lectures by specialists in Pervasive Developmental Disorders from the Ministry of Education of the Region of Murcia.
The interventions will address the socio resources for families with Asperger Syndrome, by the pedagogue Fuensanta Blecua balance, and a different perspective on the world around us, the everyday life of people with Asperger Syndrome, by the specialist therapeutic pedagogy Miguel Angel Escobar.
The Act is supplemented by a panel discussion in which a mother of a hit and a boy affected by the syndrome tell their experiences.
With this act, the Association of Aspeger de Murcia (ASPERMUR) celebrates the International Day of the syndrome, on the anniversary of the birth of Hans Asperger, a pediatrician and psychiatrist born in Vienna in 1944.
Asperger identified a dominant personality disorder in male children he called autistic psychopathy.
Included a lack of empathy, reduced ability for social relationships, conversations and solitary deep roots to a special interest and clumsy movements.
Asperger called his young patients instructors due to its extensive expertise in their areas of interest.
Asperger died before its definition was recognized because his work was mostly written in German and with few translations.
The first person to use the term Asperger syndrome was British researcher Lorna Wing.
Those interested should confirm their attendance in the email .
Or on the phone 639966880.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena