Youth Councillor, Ruth Collins, received this morning at the Palace Hall to a group of students and teachers of the school Bjorgvin videregående Skole Bergen (Norway), which are exchange facilities in Cartagena Santa Lucia IES Integrated Center Vocational Training No 3.
This is the second host exchange that takes place with the Norwegian Centre.
This time the Scandinavian group, which will be from 22 to 29 January, students are aged between 18 and 22 years, accompanied by a teacher and headteacher.
Students who receive them at home are studying for bachelor's and 2 of cycle 1 of the higher level of aesthetics.
The objectives of this meeting, whose organization is involved the Youth Council through IDEAS program, it is noteworthy basically a didactic-academic and socio-cultural.
The students are learning and sharing techniques often used in Aesthetics.
To this end, workshops have been organized within the school day led by the teachers of the specialty, which will present a professor of English who acts as an interpreter.
Another of the objectives is for students to practice English among them.
Furthermore, the Norwegian students will use to explore our city and know the most famous monuments such as the Palace Hall, the Teatro Romano, the interpretive center Torres Park, the Regional Assembly or the ARQUA.
The exchange is part of the actions that made the center of Cartagena FP within the European programs, which also involved with the experiments of Training at work placements, with students from the cycle of Fisheries in the form Leonardo.
The second phase of the exchange will take place between April and May next year, when pupils in Cartagena will be visiting the school Bjorgvin videregående Skole Bergen.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena