The government team shows a lack of will to pilot management project shared with the Board of guilds that would mean a cut in annual aid every year brings City Hall to contribute to the cost of our week more International
After numerous declarations of good intentions and unfulfilled promises Easter museum remains in limbo and the national and international promotion is increasingly questioned by many Cartageneros they see year after year, the lack of real commitment to outreach a cultural heritage if they wanted other cities.
El Palacio de Molina was completely renovated and has to recover the initial project for which it was conceived and is not one to be the depositary of our museum and library of the Cartagena Easter
UPyD-Cartagena denounces the nefarious actions of a government team that prefers to pay to manage and streamline spending, which is the primary mission of any reasonable policy.
The lack of accountability of our stage manager reveals his inability to be rigorous in controlling costs that is required to reduce to achieve maximum efficiency of the resources that today are a minimum.
UPyD urges the Board of guilds to lead a new project for the Museum of Cartagena's Holy Week, including economic management and to allow a permanent exhibition for all the Carthaginians and the people who visit us
Source: UPyD Cartagena