The Mayor, Pilar Barreiro, has been responsible for opening this morning the XII Business Leaders of the District of Cartagena, jointly organized by the Confederation of Organizations of Cartagena (COEC) and the Chamber of Commerce.
The event, which took place at the Faculty of Sciences UPCT Enterprise (formerly CIM), also attended by the Rector of the Polytechnic University of Cartagena, Felix Faure, President of the Chamber of Commerce of Cartagena Miguel Martinez Bernal, and about two hundred entrepreneurs who participate in this conference.
Doing more Cartagena, we do more Region, has argued the mayor Pilar Barreiro to argue that anyone who looks after the interests of the region may worry that the port of Cartagena to compete in the XXI century in the best conditions, with faster connections and with the benefits of having a large area of logistics.
In his speech has also coincided with the words of the President of the Chamber of Commerce, Miguel Martinez, who defended the role of the institution in making decisions affecting the interests of our region. Our entrepreneurs can defend the region and all and Cartagena as anyone knows, has exposed the mayor.
Over the past regional projects, such as network construction FERRMED proposed interconnection of the ports with freight rail networks, the Mayor stated that it is a great infrastructure that opens up prospects for the economy of the region and which is necessary to push the business district.
Both this project and the implementation of the Paramount or the construction of international airport at Corvera is good news because they assume regional dimensions investments that will allow our community to continue to grow with the efforts of all, explained the Mayoress.
Barreiro has highlighted the personal support of President Ramón Luis Valcárcel Cartagena to contribute to the economy of the community with input from regional and national significance.
It has also urged employers to work for Cartagena unit and join forces, preventing opportunistic attitudes outside the business.
These statements have been produced under the keynote address at the XII Conference on Business Leaders of the District of Cartagena, which aims to dispel doubts about key aspects of the economy and business and build trust among entrepreneurs.
The closing event of it being borne by the Regional Assembly President Francisco Celdran, and the Minister of Universities, Companies and Research, Salvador Marín.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena