AA.VV Federation of Cartagena and Shire (FAVCAC), in collaboration with the FICC, has organized the course CÃ "MO IS A FILM.
The course will be taught the following subjects: script, production equipment, preproduction, shooting and postproduction.
Besides the theoretical part is made of short clips that will be displayed in the FICC/39.
DATES: The course will begin on October 26 and will last three weeks (on Tuesdays and Thursday from 17:30 to 20:30 hours).
Filming for the short one will be held Saturday from that period.
LOCATION: Monroe Crossing, No. 2 (old Public School Lady of the Sea).
Santa Lucia.
INFORMATION "NE ENTRY: Cartagena AA.VV Federation and Shire (FAVCAV). 968 December 1945 81-678 15 84 29.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena