The Rector of the Polytechnic University of Cartagena (UPCT), Felix Faure, Ph.D. has been appointed vice president of Quality and Pedro Sánchez Palma Professor, Department of Information Technology and Communications.
Antonio Sanchez Palma replaced Gabaldon, who has asked the Rector return to his teaching and research in the UPCT for personal reasons.
Sánchez Palma (Cartagena, 1968) Ph.D. in Computer Science from the Polytechnic University of Valencia (2000) and University Lecturer, Department of Information Technology and Communications.
He has been Coordinator of the Doctoral Academic Quality Mention "Technologies of Information and Communications since 2008.
He has held various management positions as deputy director of the School of Telecommunications Engineering for four years.
The teaching of Sanchez Palma has been developed in the Area of Languages and Systems since 1993 in different Spanish universities.
Source: UPCT