The Councillor for Finance of the City of Cartagena, Jose Cabezas is concerned at the announcement yesterday by Secretary for Institutional Relations and Regional Policy, Gaspar Zarrías, during his visit to Cartagena, which showed that Spain's government delayed sine die reform of local financing.
Zarrías Gaspar said yesterday that the Government is considering a local funding based on "open the range of taxes administered by local councils, ie the municipalities to create new taxes or raise existing ones.
According to Jose head, "this shows the government's makeshift policy of the nation, which continues to punish the weak, as are the citizens who have already been affected by the increase in VAT and decretazo light on social
Cabezos considered "unpresentable" that citizens have to pay again the disastrous economic management by the Government of Zapatero.
It has also noted that "the current crisis makes it more necessary than ever the Covenant on Financing Local to the difficulties faced by City Council to meet current expenditures."
For head, Zapatero its policy is stifling local councils are also the impossibility of borrowing next year to finance investments, according to the Adjustment Plan approved by the Government.
Source: PP Cartagena