- The orange training has also achieved the support of the Municipal Corporation so that the Neighborhood Federation regularly attends the Local Safety Board, supervises the safety measures in the schools of the municipality, and requests a European subsidy for the installation of free wifi in public spaces
The Municipal Citizens Group has defended 16 initiatives among their motions, requests and questions in the ordinary plenary today.
Among the agreements reached:
Academy of the Sea in Cartagena
Citizens has asked for the support of the Plenary to promote the project to establish the Cartagenera del Mar Academy, Sciences and Arts.
The objective of this proposal has been to create an academy as a non-profit corporation, with dozens of professionals and specialists linked to a greater or lesser extent with the sea to, among other things, generate and share research on shipbuilding, history and maritime transport, naval archeology, among other issues related to the marine environment and the different activities that exist around it.
Manuel Padín has clarified that this initiative was denied by the regional government "incomprehensibly," but the members, professionals Cartagena, who promote the project have submitted a resource. "" We believe it is a timely, necessary and positive project for this Community Autonomous, a way to unify and generate knowledge linked to the sea by which we can benefit in many ways, "said the spokesman for the orange training in Cartagena, Manuel Padín.
The FAVCAC in the Security Board / approved
Other motions presented by the orange formation have requested the inclusion of the Federation of Neighbors of Cartagena in the Local Safety Board on a regular basis and whenever so advises the matter to be treated, as they have publicly requested.
The proposal of Citizens has gone ahead, with the only opposition of MC that has misinterpreted the text of the motion.
For Manuel Padín, "from Citizens we understand that the Federation can and should bring its extensive knowledge of the needs of Cartagena in terms of security to this Board and we are convinced that they will enrich with their complaints and proposals the effectiveness of this collegiate body that Its mission is the cooperation and operational coordination of the Security Forces that intervene in the municipality.One of the issues that the Federation wants to put on the table of the Board, and this was communicated to the Citizens Group, is the necessary redistribution of competences in the Security Forces in certain areas of the municipality to optimize resources and rationalize the use of troops
European subsidy for wifi
Citizens has requested that the Government of Cartagena request as soon as possible a European subsidy for the installation of Wi-Fi hotspots in the public spaces of Cartagena.
The Councilor for Security, Francisco Aznar, has responded that the City Council will do so.
The Plenary has unanimously supported the proposal.
On March 20, the European Commission launched the web portal of the initiative 'WiFi4EU'.
Citizens has reported that this initiative aims to offer municipalities in the European Union the possibility of registering in a call to be held in mid-May of this year to qualify for 15,000 euro bonds for the creation of free wireless Internet access points in public spaces, such as squares, museums, libraries, among others.
In line with this motion, the spokesman for the orange training, Manuel Padín, recalled that it was "nothing more and nothing less than almost three years ago, in June 2015, when a plenary agreement went ahead to carry out" a study complete technical feasibility and financial costs for the implementation of a municipal Wi-Fi network, covering in different phases different points and areas of the city, with the aim of offering, in the last instance, a universal and free access to all the citizens of the municipality of Cartagena. "" 34 after the approval of this agreement, the study and execution of this initiative still do not see the light ", lamented Manuel Padín who believes that" this is probably the most pathetic example of how political chaos can harm the interests of citizens. "
Safety conditions in educational centers
The Councilor for Citizens, Alfredo Nieto, today asked the City Council to take the necessary steps to make it possible to list the deficiencies in terms of safety in educational centers that are not within its municipal jurisdiction, and that, as regards Public children's schools, the same supervision should be initiated as soon as possible in order to solve any problems that may exist.
The motion has gone forward with the votes in favor of PP, PSOE, CTSSP-Podemos and the abstention of MC.
Alfredo Nieto recalled that his Municipal Group has transferred to his colleagues in the Regional Assembly the multiple deficiencies in the public school Santa Maria del Buen Aire in La Puebla, where some 150 students of Children and Primary attend the center to the center in unworthy conditions .
Nieto has referred to the multiple damages and the lack of an emergency exit in this center, "we believe that what happens in the school of La Puebla is not an isolated case and that there are more centers that do not comply with the regulations in terms of security, they have grilles in the windows that can not be opened from the inside, there is no water intake nearby for the cases of fire, they have not properly signaled the emergency exits, and the extinguishers have not been revised in years, "he enumerated.
Source: Ciudadanos Cartagena