CTSSP has rejected from the beginning the process of revision of the water tariff undertaken by the socialist government.
Of course he considers it urgent to lower the receipt, but this can not be done in any way, as the Government has done, a matter that will sooner or later take him to court.
The government of the PSOE has been very expensive to lower the water at any price: it has had to force the dismissal of the Director General of Infrastructure, has broken its government pact with MC, has set up ad hoc a cabinet of servile officials to the concessionaire and has negotiated the tariff in the middle of the plot of POKEMON, with a company accused of corruption, no municipal technical reports on the costs of the service and without waiting for the results of the external studies commissioned ... As icing on the dessert has had to reluctantly accept a Commission of Inquiry on the contract that from the first day tries to paralyze awarding the presidency to the spokesman of C's, who together with the PP act as squires of HIDROGEA.
The PSOE has shown once again that it kneels before the big concessionaires and that it continues to cover its miseries: not only does it not control the privatized public services nor aspire to its remunicipalization, but it is part of the political and business framework that has made water a millionaire business of a few to the detriment of the whole of citizenship.
For these reasons CTSSP PODEMOS rejects the fictitious descent of the water and calls on the Government to carry out a real cost study and a complete audit of the service, so that the calculated water drop, and not negotiated, the corresponding water drop2E The CTSSP municipal group believes that if this study is completed, the reduction would far exceed the € 9 proposed by the Mayor, but the PSOE wants the descent "at any price" to ensure a handful of votes.
Source: CTSSP