The Local Police of the City of Cartagena tries to end the double and triple row parking that occurs in schools, with the well-known 'Multacar'.
From next Monday, April 9, will sanction more intensively in the Marist school.
The campaign known as 'Multacar' began on March 20, at the school of San Vicente de Paul on the Rambla de Benipila where the local police accounted for a total of 19 complaints for bad parking.
This week he did it in the centers of Carmelitas and Adoratrices where, in the first two days, they made 32 complaints for bad parking.
Next week he will do it more intensively in Maristas, although the Local Police will continue to carry out random checks in the rest of the schools in Cartagena where these situations occur, including the centers of the Santa Ana Residential Estate: Narval and Miralmonte.
The 'Multacar' aims to avoid the commission of traffic infractions at the entrance and exit of schools, where double and triple row parking is usual.
These incorrect parking lots are carried out by parents who take their children to school, which causes situations of risk for the children.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena