Francisco Javier Saura, an industrial engineer from the Industrial School of the Polytechnic University of Cartagena, works as a researcher at the European Laboratory for Elementary Particle Physics that is located at the European Center for Nuclear Research (CERN) in the Swiss city of Geneva.
From the forefront of European R & D, Saura recommends studying industrial engineering in the UPCT and swell their competition teams.
"A little more than nine years ago I started my career in Industrial Technical Engineering with a Specialty in Mechanics and then I studied the second cycle of the Industrial Engineering degree, all in the UPCT and participating in the UPCT Racing Team competition team", recalls Francisco Javier Saura.
"After graduating, I have been working in several companies and developing engineering projects on my own until finally I have been able to enjoy the experience of being part of the research team of CERN (European Center for Nuclear Research)".
The career of Francisco Javier Saura started in machinery companies, he continued participating in a vertical axis wind turbine project and performing engineering services on his own.
"In April 2017 I received an email from CERN regarding a position I had presented months before and that I did not remember.
It was so simple that I did not believe it.
A call the next day in which they only wanted to confirm my level of English and French and if I knew how to use this or that program, and the following week they gave me the news of my hiring, "he summarizes.
It was assigned to the radiofrequency department, working on the components of the accelerator through which the particles pass to reach the speed of light before being collided.
"Radiofrequency is the accelerator of particles like gasoline to a combustion engine", exemplifies Saura.
"My day to day at CERN is very varied: I spend half the time designing tools for assemblies, performing tests, developing new devices, planning tasks, contacting suppliers ... and the other half staining my hands, assembling, disassembling , painting ... because it is how you really learn ".
Keys to success
Francisco Javier highlights as the keys to his professional success "the excellent academic training of the School of Industrialists of the UPCT and initiatives such as competition teams and technology associations in which we can enlist to develop our capabilities to the maximum," he highlights.
"Francisco Javier was an exemplary student both for his academic performance and during his time at the UPCT Racing Team with which we competed in the Formula Student tests", says Patricio Franco, director of the School of Industrial Engineering (ETSII).
"I am sure he will have a bright professional future, like many other students who have been involved in complementary training activities such as competition teams, technology associations, collaboration scholarships, external internships and various other initiatives," he adds.
"I managed to take the year-to-year course by making an effort to die during my studies, but I did not care since most of the subjects I liked a lot and sticks with pleasure do not hurt", acknowledges the alumnus, underlining the "international prestige" of the School of Industrialists of the UPCT.
"Participating in Formula Student was an extra effort, making from the first year analysis of manufacturing costs of our prototypes, with reports of more than two hundred pages that I had to present to the judges of the competition," he recalls.
"I still do not know how I combined classes, practices and exams with nights in the workshop, meetings, visits to suppliers ... but without a doubt I would repeat this experience, both for the incredible people I met and who are still my friends, as well as for the enormous amount of engineering that is learned, "says Saura, who was also responsible for designing the intake system to improve engine performance.
"From the outside it may look like a group of young people playing a car, but it is engineering with capital letters.
In the competition they question everything and you have to defend every detail of your design.
And you learn a lot about the reality of the industry, which is an ideal complement to the content of the subjects we study in the classroom ", argues the alumnus.
"It's a very good cover letter to get your first job," he says.
"In a world as complex as that of engineering, if you want to be competent you should know a lot about what you are a specialist and also a bit of the other disciplines," adds Francisco Javier Saura.
"Without realizing, one day you will throw away some chemistry when you have to design a chemical deposit and see the properties of the material you are going to use, another day you will pull some electronics to see how to control electric motors, the next day you will be watching how to improve the operation of a certain hydraulic pump and in the afternoon seeing why a motor is too hot.
Therefore, industrial engineers are very appreciated in all types of companies, "he concludes.
Saura recommends that future students "choose one of the degrees in the field of industrial engineering at the UPCT, as I did, that they try to learn the most of the different subjects of the career, because, sooner or later, this knowledge is very useful, that are involved in the competition teams and that carry out the courses that are offered in the Industrial School on the tools that industrial engineers need in our day to day ".
Source: UPCT