This morning, the deputy speaker of the MC Cartagena municipal group, Isabel García, has advanced the work of the Cartagena training, with a view to the April plenary session, to demand Ana Belén Castejón that "if she has not done it before the celebration of the Plenary, convene the provision of reserved positions for national qualified in the City of Cartagena.
The mayor has defended the will of his group, assenting it in "the repeated attack on the impartiality of the officials by the local PSOE, resuming the practices of the PP for 20 years."
In this sense, it is worth remembering that last Friday, Castejón, by surprise, and without knowledge of his partner of Government C's, placed as an auditor a former member of the Executive of the PSOE, thus ceasing the previous intervenor.
The ultimate reason, argues the mayor, seems to be "the need for Castejón to obtain more 'friendly' and 'complacent' reports from the Town Council's supervisory body, which make possible their 'fixes' with Hidrogea, FCC, Lhicarsa or the concessionaire of the Auditorium' El Batel ', without any frights or legal objections. "
"There are many millions of euros that are played by the concessionaires, to which the mayor has trusted her future, delivering Cartagena in record time, to leave everything to the legality and independence of the public function. review of the rate of Castejón that euros a month says that will lower the receipt, "lamented the council.
This situation, in the opinion of Isabel García, will serve to "verify the work of the inspector, now audited, and meanwhile to promote the final provision of this and other posts during 2018. Therefore, we work on a motion to urge the Government to is adapted to the new regulation, Royal Decree 128/2018, of March 16, which regulates the regime of officials of the local Administration with national qualification ".
The councilor of MC has stated that "in addition to this adaptation, we will demand that the 'fear clause' or 'anti Urruticoechea', a 'suitability' clause used by Pilar Barreiro, not be included in the bases of the definitive provision. not to give entry to Fernando Urruticoechea, who met all the requirements in 2014. MC eliminated it in 2016, while the PSOE reinstated it in 2017. Now, with the new auditor, we know the reason. "
"Therefore, - García concluded -, we urge that the 2018 call be published as soon as possible and be truly open and legal.The importance of the function developed by national licensees demands neatness and decency. in the field of political caprice, as happens now with Castejón and before with Barreiro. "
Source: Grupo municipal MC Cartagena