- "We regret that the systematic ninguneo that we have suffered since the beginning of the legislature by the old coalition of government, MC and PSOE, prevent improvements in the quality of life of the Cartagena, has lamented the local spokesman of the Orange formation, Manuel Padín
Given the information published today by the newspaper La Verdad about social unrest due to the lack of visibility in pedestrian crossings, the Municipal Citizens' Group wishes to recall that in the plenary session of September 2017, the orange formation unanimously achieved the support of the Municipal Corporation for the Government to design a plan to improve the safety and visibility of pedestrian crossings, the updating of vertical signs and the regulation of the speed bumps of the municipality.
The plenary agreement obliged the Government of Cartagena to collaborate with the Provincial Traffic Authority and the Local Police, to carry out a preliminary study on the visibility and safety of pedestrian crossings, and the state of vertical signaling.
The orange spokesman regrets that the Executive "has not done anything in six months since the approval of this motion, when we present an initiative on road safety we are not doing facing the gallery, but is the consequence of a finding: our municipality It has very serious deficiencies in this matter that can lead to and lead to personal misfortunes. "
"So far this year, twenty-eight people have already been hit by cars and other vehicles, and it is a worrying fact that has to make this Administration react," Padin has warned.
"We regret that the systematic ninguneo that we have suffered since the beginning of the legislature by the old coalition of government, MC and PSOE, prevent improvements in the quality of life of Cartagena, has lamented Manuel Padín.
Citizens has announced that one of the conditions to support the municipal budgets of 2018 will be the reservation of a budget to start this study and run its first phases to increase road safety in the municipality.
"The improvements we have already proposed are not excessively expensive, but they can represent important improvements in urban safety for both people and vehicles," explains Citizen spokesman.
Cs will require the completion of a prioritized plan to optimize the maintenance of road markings and vertical signs, eliminate obstacles to a pedestrian crossing that reduce visibility (parked cars, containers, etc ..), increase night visibility in steps of pedestrians, especially in interurban areas, the installation of bollards to avoid parking in the previous pavements, improve the technical quality of the horizontal and vertical signs of the existing steps, reinforcing the paint or adding reflective elements that avoid the need to install lighting elements, and the implementation of informative campaigns in the City Council's media to inform, educate and raise awareness both pedestrians and drivers, to understand the importance and respect that a pedestrian crossing deserves.
The mayor of the orange formation has reported that there are "areas of the municipality near schools, parks or courts, where the pedestrian crossing is not visible or directly does not exist, these deficiencies are even greater when you move away from the city center and you enter the neighborhoods, such as San Antón or San Ginés, and the councils "and has indicated that" the economic cost to correctly signal these steps is minimal and a solution is necessary as soon as possible to avoid having to regret any misfortune. "
Ciudadanos considers that despite the fact that in recent years concrete actions have been carried out, such as the lighting of pedestrian crossings in the Polígono de Santa Ana, or La Aparecida, Los Batos, and La Puebla, it is clearly insufficient, "we need a detailed study of our needs at the municipal level, and prioritize the work. "
As for the speed bumps, the orange formation has requested an impact study of the installation of speed bumps to reduce speed in different areas of the city, "we are going to require the government team to carry out an inventory of speed reducers existing in the municipality with specification of its morphology as well as the formulation of a municipal ordinance for speed reducers according to the regulations ", Padín has informed.
Source: Ciudadanos Cartagena