- "It would have been much more reasonable to divide this workload among the 54 courts that exist in the Region, among other things, to prevent the aggression and discrimination among citizens, and also to reduce to a few months the foreseeable delay in the resolutions, "said the spokesman for Citizens in Cartagena, Manuel Padín
Regarding the information published today by the newspaper La Opinion in which it is claimed that the Ministry of Justice plans to start next month a new court in Murcia to solve the jam that now has the judicial body that deals with lawsuits floor clauses, the spokesman of the orange training in Cartagena, Manuel Padin, considers it "double folly, and it seemed inappropriate to specialize only one court of first instance in each province, in our case the city of Murcia, and thus force thousands of citizens to travel to this city, with the inconvenience and cost involved, and now, instead of correcting this obvious error, they insist on concentrating all the cases in a single point of the Community ".
"For any of these decisions have taken into account the population variables, we said from the beginning, it would have been much more reasonable to leave things as they were, distribute this workload among the 54 courts that exist in the region to avoid the grievance and discrimination between citizens, and also to reduce to a few months the foreseeable delay in resolutions ".
The spokesman of Cs Cartagena recalled that the municipal plenums of Cartagena and Lorca have unanimously approved to reject the creation of Uniprovincial Courts.
The Regional Assembly also expressed unanimously against the CGPJ project.
"If the General Council of the Judiciary ignores the City Councils of Cartagena and Lorca and the Regional Assembly, we are obliged to appeal to our national deputies in Congress to increase pressure on the Minister of Justice, and request the Government body of the Judicial Branch rectifying something that is evidently damaging our judicial structure and inconveniencing hundreds of Cartagena, "said Manuel Padín.
Family Court and Justice Bureau
The mortgage court, is not the only complaint that Cs has moved in recent days to the Congress of Deputies in matters of justice, the spokesman for Citizens in Cartagena recalled that has already sent his national deputies the "discomfort" of his Group for the delay to create the new Family Court in Cartagena, "a new blow to the deep needs in judicial matters that the region has, we want to know why the project has been delayed and if there are options to accelerate its development."
On the other hand, Ciudadanos reminds that it is pending a meeting with the mayor of Cartagena on the occasion of his efforts to build the City of Justice, "to clarify the steps being taken and the locations that are being considered by the City Council for the construction of the judicial complex ".
"The local government has not lived up to the circumstances and has carried a policy of lurches and improvisations and today has not offered a viable municipal land," said Manuel Padin who recalled that "the then ruling party MC He announced with great fanfare that he was making arrangements for the facilities to be located in a plot attached to the Mandarache (sector CC-1) and then request that the former Naval Hospital be the headquarters, I do not know if we needed another example of chronic disability of MC to solve any issue. "
Source: Ciudadanos Cartagena