Experts from public administrations, business associations and public and private training institutions met this morning at the Telecommunications School of the Polytechnic University of Cartagena (UPCT) to discuss the digital deficiencies of workers and the unemployed in order to design training programs that increase the digitization of human capital in the whole of the European Union.
The day is part of the European project 'Makes me digital', which leads the Cloud Incubator HUB of the UPCT and seeks to identify the needs of companies and public and private training institutions to create specific training programs to develop the necessary digital skills of workers and the unemployed in the different economic sectors.
The conclusions will serve to design four pilot training courses that will be taught in a first phase in Spain and Lithuania.
"Nine out of ten workers must have some digital competence in the coming years, a fact very far from the current reality and that the European Union wants to improve to compete globally," says Juan Angel Pastor, director of the School of Telecommunications of the UPCT.
"This EU-funded initiative aims to increase the level of digitization in European countries, which is currently estimated at 12% compared to 18% in countries like the United States," he adds.
Specifically, the day has been studied what are the basic digital skills for a worker;
the training gaps and the most affected sectors in the 2025 horizon;
the key elements that training programs must have in order to be successful and what are the profiles of the course assistants, their needs and their expectations.
Cloud Incubator HUB obtained the first position in the global ranking of nurseries of advanced companies of the analytical study 'The services provided by business incubators in Spain.
Ranking 2016/2017 ', carried out by the Foundation of the Savings Banks (FUNCAS) and the Rey Juan Carlos University.
Source: UPCT