The City of Cartagena and Project Abraham, are still committed to the construction of coexistence and social cohesion in the neighborhood of Villalba, with the excursion that 54 residents of the neighborhood held on Saturday February 17 at Safari Aitana.
This exit is conceived within the activities programmed by the City of Cartagena and Proyecto Abraham in the "Seguimos Caminando" project, financed by the IMAS under the Gypsy Development Plan 2.017.
This program, since its implementation, has made important advances at the social and community level, among which we can highlight: the organization of work groups of young people and women around neighborhood participation and the planning and development of community actions, the development of activities with children aimed at improving their academic performance, the development of a program of leisure activities and free time with children and their families, as well as training and orientation and support for employment, aimed at young people and women of the neighborhood.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena