The municipal MC Group, through its head of Sports, Ricardo Segado, will present at the next plenary session of the City Council a motion requesting the Department of Finance to give continuity to the file initiated to achieve the bonus, according to the current Ordinance Regulator, of the Property Tax (IBI) in favor of the Speed ​​Circuit of Cartagena.
In this sense, Segado recalled "the enormous sports and tourism potential that the Speed ​​Circuit, which hosts many competitions, leisure, entertainment and free time events, contributes to the Campo de Cartagena region."
Thus, this installation, after a time affected by the economic crisis, recovers year after year its potential, proving to be able today to fill hotels and attract a large number of tourists "in favor of the hotel and hospitality wealth of our city and its entire area of ​​influence. "
Institutional help needed
Also, the councilor of MC has ensured that, due to the aforementioned crisis, "we see how the number of expenses of the Circuit continue to drown this infrastructure and its managers despite their enormous efforts to contain spending and austerity."
For all this "institutional help is very necessary so that they can continue to develop their activity, help that would end up redounding in our society and act as a 'boomerang' for the municipality."
Collaboration of MC with the Circuit
Known the situation, Ricardo Segado explained that "from our Government responsibility we have shown concern about the situation of the Circuit, providing economic aid in sporting events and institutional collaboration going to the Autonomous Community with the aim of involving CARM in the dissemination of Your activities".
In this regard, the Department of Finance, headed by Isabel Garcia, granted the Circuit the deferral of the debt by IBI that maintained with the City Council and guided them in the steps to follow to get the bonus, to understand MC its due justification for public interest and social and argued with the data of hotel occupancy and tourist and sports recovery.
"This is allowed and established by the current Regulatory Ordinance of the IBI", detailed Segado, which stipulates in its article 6.5.1.
"that a bonus of up to 95% of the tax rate may be granted in favor of real estate in which economic activities are developed that are declared of special interest or municipal utility because of social, cultural, historical-artistic or promotional circumstances. of employment ".
The mayor has concluded that "in this line was working Isabel Garcia, in order to achieve this bonus, something that would greatly ease the coffers of the Speed ​​Circuit and will make the local administration is closer and sensitized to the current situation of the enclosure and with the benefits that it gives us ".
Source: MC