The Board of the 'Ola de Frío' campaign held this Friday, December 15, its annual meeting in order to evaluate the conclusions of the previous course, corresponding to the section between November 2016 and March 2017, and the first results of the current period, which started in November and will be ongoing until March 2018.
During the period corresponding to the previous campaign a total of 1,831 attentions were made to 1,534 people.
Some of them stayed overnight in a total of 6,190 occasions in the different centers and shelters of the entities attached to this initiative.
It should be noted that in the case of the Municipal Service for Attention to the Homeless and Passersby, the number of attentions offered was reduced by about 400 compared to the previous year, going from about 1,150 to 738.
The challenges, modifications and lines of action of this year's campaign were presented at the meeting.
The Mayor, Ana Belén Castejón, the Councilor for Quality of Life, Francisco Calderón, the Councilor for Social Services and Social Mediation, Carmen Martín del Amor, the representatives of the political groups that have representation in the Consistory , as well as those responsible for solidarity entities attached as: Cáritas Cartagena, Red Cross, the collective La Huertecica, ACCEM, the Santa Teresa Hospitality Foundation, the own Department of Social Services, through the Program of Attention to Homeless and Passersby, and also the Local Police, among others.
All of them were called to carry out a review of the actions that were carried out during the past year in this Wave of Frio Campaign and to analyze the lines of work and challenges with which this year has begun.
The first proposed measure has been to designate the working group as the 'Follow-up Commission for Attention to the Homeless in the municipality of Cartagena.
During this year, the Caritas Low Demand Center was opened.
This lodging resource, together with the places offered by the Santa Teresa Hospitality Foundation, have made it possible to have a network of resources suited to the characteristics of the city.
The campaign was activated, offering these resources to be applied by the different entities and based on the needs detected in cases that were identified as Homeless
Another novelty this year is that the night outings are complemented in the week, when the Santa Teresa Hospitality Foundation joins with a group of volunteers.
According to the situations detected in these two cold months of the year 2017, there are fortunately very few people who are in a street situation.
In this sense, the night out teams are performing the attentions in places mainly of substandard housing.
For all these reasons, the Bureau of the 'Ola de Frío' campaign has proposed today that the Follow-up Technical Committee will meet every fifteen days for the study, assessment and follow-up of the cases, the place will be rotating according to the different headquarters of the entities.
In addition, every day there will be a telephone and face-to-face communication, as required, of the entities that made the departure the previous night, with the person in charge of the Service for Attention to the Homeless and Passers-by.
Periodically, you will be informed by email of people who may be detected in street situations, resources offered and incidents.
And finally, an annual program of play-training activities organized by the monitoring committee will be developed.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena