The Governing Council of the Polytechnic University of Cartagena (UPCT) today approved the convention of secondment of the degrees to be developed by ENAE-Tech, the new ENAE division created by the University and Business Foundation (FUEM).
The secondment agreement begins with the Master's Degree in Agribusiness, which will be taught in the same course.
This agreement also offers coverage for a wide range of collaborations between the UPCT and ENAE-Tech.
Share content and online platforms, share international commercial networks and explore the development of new titles.
From this agreement, the way of homologation of UPCT degrees is opened so that they can be taught, in different modalities, as official degrees by the center affiliated ENAE-Tech.
The studies can be done in person, at the headquarters of ENAE in Murcia, online or from abroad, according to the profile of the students.
"This agreement will give us a greater international vision", highlights José Manuel Ferrández, Vice-rector of Internationalization.
The signing of the agreement, with the presence of Antonio Ballester, president of FUEM, and the rector, Alejandro Díaz, will be held on the 19th at the UPCT.
Ballester and Manuel Rincon, general director of ENAE, met a few months ago with the rector of the Polytechnic and the Vice Chancellor of Planning, Emilio Trigueros, to finalize the agreement after two years of previous work.
"Having the potential of a business school with the experience of ENAE is a great opportunity for the UPCT.
The training of engineers and architects in the field of the Company is a magnificent complement for its versatility in the face of the incorporation to the working world ", highlights Emilio Trigueros.
Source: UPCT