On Friday, December 1, at 8:00 pm, the book, 'Coins of Cartagena', is presented in the Assembly Hall of the Roman Theater Museum of Cartagena.
The book will be presented by the councilor of the Area of ​​Culture and Archaeological Heritage, Ricardo Segado, together with the author of the book, José María Conesa.
The chroniclers Juan Ignacio Ferrández and Luis Miguel Pérez Adán will accompany him in the presentation.
The book with prologue of one of the cronistas of Cartagena, the historian Luis Miguel Pérez Adán, compiles throughout its ten chapters the different coinage related to the History of Cartagena.
From the Carthaginian coinage, through the civic emissions of Roman times of the Carthago Nova mint, as well as the Byzantine coins, the cantonal currency, the paper money in the civil war, to a final section of medals.
The book of José María Conesa is illustrated by more than 400 images, along its 180 pages the reader is introduced in a study of the coin through the history of Cartagena, with more than 288 cataloged pieces.
Coins are a first-class historical document because they inform about a specific society, they are also text by written legend, and visual source, by the images contained in the document.
The legend symbolizes its legal value, represented by the person or entity that prints its name and titles.
The represented image gives the coin an important iconographic value, and becomes an effective instrument of propaganda.
The weight of the metal and its law condition the intrinsic value of the currency, and therefore offers economic and commercial data of maximum interest.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena