The Hall of Thrones of Captaincy will be the setting for the official opening of the XII AICEI 2017 Meeting, which will take place at 9:30 am, and will be attended by the acting mayor, Juan Pedro Torralba, Arsenal Admiral , Aniceto Rosique, and the coordinator of ACEI, Carlos Luis Figueira.
Later, at 10:00 am, a visit will be made by the Captain's Palace.
The lectures will begin an hour later, at 11:00 am, in the Auditorium of the Underwater Archeology Museum, ARQUA.
The first speaker of the day will be, Roberto Fernández Díaz, who will give his lecture on, 'Carlos III: a reformist monarch'.
All the conferences of this meeting have a free entrance in addition, the City of Cartagena will broadcast these conferences in streaming, so that they can be seen live through your youtube channel.
The presentations of the morning can be seen in this link, first conferences and those of the afternoon, in this other, second conferences.
Already at 12:30 pm, the professor of Contemporary History of the University of Murcia, Cristina Roda, will be in charge of giving the conference 'The Cartagena Illustrated in the XXI century'.
At the end of the presentation, the director of the ARQUA museum, Ivan Negueruela, will guide the audience for a visit to the Underwater Archeology Museum that he directs.
The program of activities will continue in the afternoon.
At 16:30 hours, it is planned to present communications in the library of the Military History Museum, Artillery Park, moderated by Francisco Franco, Official Chronicler of Cartagena.
'Illustrated Cities.
The case of Nuevo Baztán as a Pre-industrial city in the eighteenth century '(Isabel González Alonso, Tourism and Local Development technician of the Nuevo Baztán Town Hall)
'From Enlightenment to Modernity.
Trasformación Urbana '(Doroteo Gouveia, director of the Botanical Garden).
'The Botanical Garden of the Universities of Coimbra: illuminated the city of green from 1722' (Antonio Gouveia, director of the Botanical Garden).
'Francisco Salzillo: from baroque realism to enlightened idealism' (German rramallo, professor of Art History at the University of Murcia).
'Marina Hospital: constructive elements' (M.ª del Carmen Berrocal, Co-ordinator of Archeology and Heritage of the City of Cartagena).
'Fortifications of the Enlightenment' (Juan Lorenzo Gómez-Vizcaino Castelló, Warden of AFORCA).
The day will end with a visit, at 20:00 hours, to the Military History Museum and the model exhibitions of the Artillery Park Illustration.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena