The Local Development and Employment Agency (ADLE) has opened the registration deadline for the COLOC project, which is aimed at young people up to 30 years of age, especially women, people with disabilities, immigrants, long-term unemployed, all enrolled in the system of Youth Guarantee.
The manager of the ADLE, Manuel Mora, stressed the importance of this program, which offers the possibility of carrying out a course with a certificate of professionalism adapted to a training profile, while the students will receive a scholarship of 8 euros a day for their assistance.
Specifically the courses that includes are: Dynamization of free time, educational, children and youth, which consists of 310 teaching hours;
First aid of aquatic facilities, 370 hours.
These two courses are aimed at young people with a Diploma in Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO), Proof of Access to Higher Education Degree Cycle, Certificate of professionalism of the same level, Certificate of professionalism of level 1 of the same professional family or Proof of Access to the University (PAU) for over 25 years
It also includes the 290-hour bar restaurant Basic Operations course, which does not require specific training.
These courses that will start next December, have a duration of six months.
The classes will be taught in the facilities of the ADLE of the Training Center of Quarries and the building of the Milagrosa from Monday to Friday.
Applications can be made at the offices of the ADLE, located at Caridad street, until next November 16.
The application form is attached to this information.
The necessary documentation that the interested parties must present is: photocopy of the DNI, photocopy of the certificate of beneficiary of the program of Guarantee Juvenil, curriculum vitae and photocopy of the academic title.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena