The acting mayor of Cartagena, Juan Pedro Torralba, and the delegated councilor for Education, David Martínez, have held a meeting with just over a hundred students from the 4th year of ESO and Baccalaureate of IES San Isidoro de Los Dolores, on the occasion of the Participatory Budgets for the 2018 financial year.
For this second edition of this budget initiative, a pilot experience has been projected through which the students of CEIP Virgen del Carmen and IES San Isidoro will be able to decide to which interventions are assigned the items that have been assigned to them within the framework of this initiative .
Thus, the CEIP Virgen del Carmen has been allocated 10,000 euros of those allocated to District 4, and IES San Isidoro will go 15,000 euros, within the budget for District 3.
This morning's event, which has brought the idea to the students of the institute, has begun with the gratefulness of the director of the center, Angeles Martinez, for being chosen as pilot for this experience "very interesting for the city, "in which the entire institute has the opportunity to get involved.
For his part, the acting mayor has expressed his satisfaction with the great involvement and disposition that he has seen on the part of the team of professors.
To explain the project to the students, the councilors wanted to have a student from ESO B, Marcial, to explain this initiative.
Your class is in charge of promoting the project in the center.
Over the last few weeks they have gathered all the information, both from the Participatory Budgets and the pilot project that takes place in their center.
From this information they have developed computer presentations that will be used to tell each class what participatory budgets are, how to make proposals, and how to vote.
ESO students are told how the project will work in high school and high school students are also informed that those over 16 can participate in the budgets at the municipal level.
Thus, once the information sessions are finished, all students will be able to make proposals to improve the facilities of the center that will be collected on November 15.
The proposals will be sent to the municipal technicians who will select all those that are viable, and will discard those that can not be performed for technical, economic or competitive reasons.
Once this sieve is done, students will vote on December 13th those who want them to be executed.
Projects will be implemented before the start of the next school year.
The delegate councilor of Education has indicated to the students, after explaining the meaning of the logo that shows to seven people embraced, symbolizing to the seven districts of Cartagena and the solidarity between them;
that it is important that they be supportive and that they think, not only in projects that affect them directly, but also in those that are an improvement for all.
He also advised them to think well about what to allocate the budget, since "15,000 euros seem a lot, but when you allocate them to infrastructures and equipment are gone immediately."
After finishing the presentation of the project, Torralba has encouraged the students to take "this opportunity to participate" directly in the budgetary decisions of the municipality, indicating the satisfaction that supposes that an idea of ​​its own can be executed for the benefit of all community.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena