- On the feasibility study, Cs spokesman in Cartagena recalled that the company awarded the contract promised to have the results of its work in July 2016, "and more than three months have passed since this deadline and no one has been here dignified from the regional government to give explanations ".
This study is fundamental to determine the functional design of the project, its costs, and the necessary investments.
- Cs Cartagena has asked its Group in the Assembly to urgently intervene the Minister of Development, Pedro Rivera, to explain these delays in the completion of the feasibility study, and the transfer of the Franco Depot, and provide a detailed timetable of performances
Cartagena, Monday, October 9.
The Citizen spokesman in Cartagena, Manuel Padín, today expressed his concern about the "deafening silence" with everything related to the Logistics Activities Area of ​​Cartagena, "since at the beginning of this year the Technical Panel of the Group of Work of the ZAL little or nothing is known of the feasibility study or the transfer of the Franco Deposit, both projects endowed economically thanks to the amendments that Citizens made to the regional budgets of 2016 and 2017.
On the feasibility study, Cs spokesperson recalled that the company awarded the contract promised to have the results of its work in July 2016, "and more than three months have passed since this deadline and here nobody has deigned since the Regional government to give explanations ".
This study is fundamental to determine the functional design of the project, its costs, the necessary investments, and the schedule for its implementation.
As for the transfer of the Franco Depot, Manuel Padín has expressed he does not understand why this action has not been undertaken that is endowed with 500,000 euros in the regional budgets thanks to Citizens, "the own president of the Community, Fernando López Miras assured the past June 25th, that the first phase of the ZAL would contemplate the transfer of the Franco Deposit "while the technical studies of what will be the rest of the intermodal center continue." According to Padín, "the money is reserved in budgets, , but the months pass and nobody here does anything, it is enough to take the hair to the cartageneros ".
Manuel Padín assures us that "if we do not take firm steps, one after another, towards achieving this goal, we run the risk that the Community will once again give shelter to this strategic need for the economy and employment of the whole Region of Cartagena. "
For all of the above, the spokesman for the orange formation has announced that he will ask his Group in the Regional Assembly to urgently call on the Minister of Development, Pedro Rivera, to explain why these delays in the completion of the feasibility study , and the transfer of the Deposit Franco, and offer a detailed schedule of actions.
Citizen-driven lecture series
Citizens is not satisfied and still wants to boost more the defense of the ZAL in the Polygon of Los Camachos;
so the Municipal Citizens Group succeeded in having the Town Hall Plenary approve in February a motion for the local Government to organize and promote a series of conferences on the Logistic Activities Areas of Spain in Cartagena.
This cycle was exposed last April in the Bureau of Employment, although no date has yet been set for its start.
It was the Chamber of Commerce of Cartagena that said that now the important thing is to generate expectations and mobilize companies to bet on the project, "and to achieve this goal Citizens are already working, in collaboration with the local Administration, to create in the next few months a forum in which experts, entrepreneurs and promoters of logistics areas throughout Spain can guide Cartagena in the process of creating the ZAL and positively promote its benefits among our business ecosystem, "explained the spokesman of Citizens in Cartagena, Manuel Padín.
Source: Ciudadanos Cartagena