It is the job of politicians and public administrations to deal with any kind of macho violence, as well as to unmask and combat micromachist and subtle attitudes entrenched in our society, as is the case of sexist advertising.
The group at the city council suggests that no type of event that promotes the use of the woman's body as an advertising or sexual object, that is a cosmetic or mercantile part of the women's body, is not sponsored or sponsored. Equality is the entity that watches over compliance with laws and regulations in this area and is the one who produces reports and documents that avoid and correct this type of advertising.
For Teresa Sánchez "this type of advertising is proliferating more and more, we are reified, objectified and marketed as objects of consumption.This goes against the laws of equality and communication, against the dignity of women and against the Istanbul Convention which Spain has recently ratified.We hope that this time the Plenary approve our motion and carry out measures that allow our municipality there is no sexist advertising.
Source: CTSSP