- The orange formation spokesman, Manuel Padín, considers that the strategy that has been followed up to now by the municipal government has been a failure, "after more than two years, nor has the receipt of water been reduced despite repeated promises, nor has a single investment been made to improve our networks. "
Cartagena, Monday, September 25.
The Municipal Group of Citizens in Cartagena will start in the next few days a new round of contacts to try to resolve the conflict between the water service concessionaire, Hidrogea and the City of Cartagena in relation to the company's surplus since 2011 and commitment by the City Council to reduce the receipt of water.
According to the spokesperson for the orange formation in Cartagena, Manuel Padín, "we are going to request a meeting with the Finance Councilor, Isabel García, and the municipal technicians in charge of the contract with the concessionaire, and later with the Hidrogea directive to understand what is the current situation and seek solutions. "
"We committed ourselves to Cartagena's neighbors to do everything in our power to make the drop in the water bill a reality, and in exchange for our support for the 2017 municipal budgets, we asked for a document to be signed by which Mayor Ana Belén Castejón, ex-Mayor Jose López and the spokesmen of the groups of MC and PSOE committed themselves to lower the price of water as soon as possible with all the favorable technical, legal, and economic reports, but none of this has happened".
The Citizens' spokesperson recalled that the agreement did not imply in any case an impediment to continue with the inspection work of the concessionaire, the cost of the service or any other actions that may occur, as well as the decisions regarding the concession contract "On the contrary, in Citizens we have always opted for an iron control of the activity of Hidrogea, its income, its expenses, and the works that tender so that no excess can be produced and the public interest prevails over any other".
On the other hand, Manuel Padín, today expressed his concern about the information published today by the newspaper La Verdad, which denounces the paralysis in investment since 2015 to optimize the water supply, sanitation and collection network.
According to Manuel Padín, "the conflict between Hidrogea and the City Council has blocked investments, worth 4.5 million euros, as necessary as the construction of interceptors in the area of ​​Mandarache, or Calle Salamanca or La Aljorra to avoid flooding, or to prevent improvements in the Sewage Pumping Station (EBAR) to avoid spills in the Algameca Chica, or to install the proper sanitation network in Perín, Galifa, El Portús, and Los Beatos.
Manuel Padín has assured that "there were and there are" many formulas to control and control the activity of Hidrogea without this implying the stoppage of these works, "and if the situation continues, we will soon find a very serious problem since the necessary maintenance and renovation work is not being carried out, and this can lead to breakages and all sorts of incidents that can be very costly. "
"The government fills its mouths announcing what they are saving the municipal coffers, but a good manager must know in which to invest what is saved, that is, to respond to the deep needs that our neighborhoods and councils have," noted the spokesman for Cs.
Source: Ciudadanos Cartagena