The celebrations of Carthaginians and Romans will begin in a few hours, displaying for the first time the declaration of International Tourist Interest, an important landmark that has cost a lot of effort on the part of everyone.
The tireless work of the festers, year after year since 1990, has made it possible for Cartagena to have the best parties in the Mediterranean, in a clear example of what Cartagenaans can achieve when we propose excellence.
MC is aware of this, the work that all year round make thousands of festers, lovers of its history, so that the ten days of celebration are the pride of all Cartagena and visitors.
For all this, MC wants the 2017 festivities to pass without problems or startles, without inclement weather, for greater glory and display of acts and parades.
MC will never participate in any activity that may tarnish such acts, nor will it support demonstrations of protest of any kind that overshadow the normal development of the scheduled events.
The claims are made where appropriate and at the right times for it, and parties are neither the place nor the time.
Our congratulations to the thousands of festers who since 1990 have been or have been in their creation and development, for having bequeathed to Cartagena some magnificent historical holidays that are the pride of all and the admiration of those who visit us.
MC is now placed under the orders of Hannibal and Scipio, and wishes you all a happy holiday.
Source: MC